Why Dithering and proper Flats matter
So as I have been using my Astro rig more and I ran into an issue with significant noise in my images. Now, this is not to be confused with SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) this is just straight noise in the image caused by hot or cold pixels on my camera sensor being in...
Shooting Stars M33
So I have been trying to shoot M33 for a while as it's such a beautiful galaxy. In late October I went out and set up my EQM-35 mount, polar aligned, and then typed in M33 into the keypad and the telescope slewed into position. I took my test shots with my Bahtinov...
I just recently downloaded a demo of this software and wow is it powerful. This is considered the upper echelon of astrophotography software on the market. As it stands this software is one of the most complex pieces of software I have ever used and it allows you to...
Sky-Watcher EQM-35 Review
One word to describe the Sky-Watcher EQM-35 "Amazing". Yes, the EQM-35 is downright an amazing mount and I wish I never spent the money or the frustration going down the rabbit hole of the iOptron SkyGuider Pro. I am not going to say the iOptron is a bad mount it's...
Star Treker, Beam me up!
So I finally got my Star Tracker or Treker however you want to say it lol. It's all setup configured and working...well sort of I will explain that in a minute. So what do we have? Camera: Nikon D5500Optics: RedCat 51Base Mount: William Optics Low Latitude Vixen-style...
Barn Door or Bust
It's been a while since I posted and a lot has happened since August 22nd. First off I have a barn door for shooting the stars. What is a barn door? Well, let's make it simple and just link you away for more detail. If you didn't click it's basically a device that...
Nikon D5500 / Astrophotography
So I recently sold a bunch of stuff on eBay and was able to purchase a beautiful used Nikon D5500. It reconnected me with photography which is something I used to love back in 2004-2012 with my older Olympus C5060. Still, an amazing camera even though it's over 16...
My First Telescope
When I was a kid I was fortunate enough to grow up in Los Alamos, New Mexico the home of LANL. When I was a kid I remember taking college classes during the summertime at UNM which they still offer, and one of the classes I took was astronomy. I remember learning...
iPhone SE 2020 a re-View from Android Land
So it's been a while since I posted about a new phone. The last time I mentioned a new phone was the Nexus 6 back in 2015. Since then I have owned the Pixel XL 1st gen and the Pixel 3a XL. Both solid phones and both met almost all my needs in terms of personal apps...