Using PixInsight with the Rosette Nebula

Using PixInsight with the Rosette Nebula

Alright, here we go again sharing on YouTube and using PixInsight. The data and video are a quick 10,000ft view of PixInsight and how I use it to process images. Through the videos I discussed links I whould share. Here are those links. Links I speak about in YouTube...
Optolong L-eXtreme

Optolong L-eXtreme

Once again time to fork out more money from my poor wallet and spend it on my rig. This time I have spent my precious money on an Optolong L-eXtreme Dual-band filter. What this filter will do for my setup is it allows my new ASI533 OSC (One-Shot Color) camera to be...


I recently upgraded my rig once again. This time with the ZWO ASI533MC Pro one shoot color (OSC) cooled Astro camera. What makes this OSC so lovely is the ability to cool the camera. What cooling does is helps with the noise reduction for images of deep space objects...
ZWO ASI Air Demo

ZWO ASI Air Demo

So a handful of users wanted me to show off my rig on the CloudyNights forum. I took some time to walk through all the hardware and software and decided to show it off using YouTube. It’s a total of 6 videos in the...
Fo Drizzle my Nizzle

Fo Drizzle my Nizzle

So as I continue to learn more about PixInsight and learn more about capturing the heavens above I have now learned about Drizzle. What is Drizzle you ask? Drizzle (or DRIZZLE) is a digital image processing method for the linear reconstruction...
Processing the Stars | M31

Processing the Stars | M31

PREFACE My favorite forum I am on these days is Cloudy Nights (CN). It has a lot of fantastic people all working together to enjoy the stars and learn together. I mostly spend my time learning and helping where I can at the Beginning Deep Sky Imaging section. So what...