The straw that broke the camel’s back

The straw that broke the camel’s back

I have been using Android forever…since August 2011 that is 9 years. For nine years I have been all-in with Android. I mean hell I even started a business based on reselling Google Nexus 6’s and 9’s running a custom version of the Android Operating...


So I have been blogging again and a little more than often due to the Rrrrrrona. After going back and reading some of my blog post my grammar is just plain poor. However, being honest when I was in High School I had to take English over again during summer school at...


In 2007 a great man and idol of mine created one of the most significant changes to technology ever. Steve Jobs released the iPhone, before the iPhone I was a die-hard Apple fan. Using Apple at every corner I could, I loved OS X I just didn’t love the price tag...
Time keeps ticking

Time keeps ticking

Well, it’s been about four years since I have blogged. So what has happened in four years? A lot. I started my first business Black Mirror Studio and did what maybe some considered impossible and created an Electronic Chess Notation device from a re-purposed...
Nexus 6…YES :)

Nexus 6…YES :)

As an x-developer of Android custom ROMs, owning then Nexus 6 has been so damn nice. This is the second time VZW has allowed a Nexus phone on their network and I for one, tip my hat off to Verizon for allowing for such a sweet device that is not bloated out and also...
PHP Stock Ticker

PHP Stock Ticker

So this year I made it a goal to rock my investment finances, you know the whole New Year Resolution thing. It all started in late December 2014 when I picked up the book MONEY Master the Game, 7 Steps to Financial Freedom by Tony Robbins. A very special thank you to...