PRactice Astro Processing
Practice Astro Processing
This section is designed to learn and practice processing Astro images. I wanted to give back to the community so others can learn and have fun. My application of choice is PixInsight. It’s not for everyone but I feel it’s the best application for working with deep sky objects. Below are different images I have integrated with my rig as it’s changed over time.
My goal is to offer all images in TIF format or XISF. All files will be in ZIP format to save on server space. If you click on the images in each section you will see what hardware I used and integration time at AstroBin. I will slowly be adding more images along with YouTube videos of my process. In the meantime, I have some solid links to start you off in my blog post about PixInsight
If you would like to join in the discussion there is more information over at Cloudy Nights
Again have fun and learn!
OSC Data: All files have been captured with the ASI533MC Pro and integrated with PixInsight using the Weighted Batch Process, Cosmetic Correction and then Drizzled to fix Undersampling. More details are listed on the Astrobin Images for setup. If special filters were used I will have info on the image
M78 Tif File
Tutorial on using PixInsight and integrating the Rosette Nebula
DSLR Data: All files were captured with a Nikon D5500 and created in PixInsight using the WBP script without cosmetic correction and without the drizzle process.
Tiff File
PixInsight Icons
Tiff File
PixInsight Icons
Tiff File
PixInsight Icons