Unihedron Sky Quality Meter-L

Unihedron Sky Quality Meter-L

So I have been shooting the stars for over a year and always based my Bortles class skies on popular websites https://www.lightpollutionmap.info/ https://clearoutside.com/ Light Pollution map has me at Bortles 4 and Clear Outside has me at Bortles 2. I even tried the...
iOptron GEM28 vs SkyWatcher EQM-35

iOptron GEM28 vs SkyWatcher EQM-35

I recently pulled the trigger and upgrading my mount to the iOptron GEM28 with LiteRoc Tripod. I skipped on the iPolar and EC upgrades as I don’t need those things. However, I do plan on getting a case for it for travel when they are back in stock. Right now due...
Exposure, Gain, and Cooling oh My

Exposure, Gain, and Cooling oh My

So in my ever-evolving journey of Astrophotography, I keep opening new doors and continue to learn more and more about this hobby. It’s not just about capturing the stars that make this hobby so exciting or sitting outside enjoying the stars above, it is also...
Battery Time

Battery Time

So recently I found out about TAAS which is the Albuquerque Astronomical Society. What I didn’t realize is we had this group so close to me and even better they have a private observatory about 11 miles from my house! While I am sitting on Bortles scale 3/4...
EQStarProEQM35 Review

EQStarProEQM35 Review

Update 5/17/2021: Spoke with SkyWatcher and they had me make some adjustments to my mount. They do not recommend users making these adjustments unless it’s needed. If you are having weirdness with your mount please contact SkyWatcher, their support is amazing! I...